In addition to areas identified by FEMA as having the potential for flooding with depths of one foot or more with a 1% annual chance, the City has determined that the areas of moderate flood hazard in Sausalito are susceptible to the adverse impacts of sea level rise.įollow this link to the Sustainability Commission’s February 2018 Sea Level Event held at the Bay Model. Flood insurance is still an important safeguard for those in areas of low to moderate risk, and lower cost options are available. Twenty to 25 percent of all flood claims occur in low- to moderate-risk areas. While flood insurance is not required for properties in these areas, this new designation only means that the risk for flooding is reduced - not removed. Property owners who feel that they have been incorrectly placed in a high-risk area have Some properties may go from a high-risk area to a low- or moderate-risk area. Flood insurance is federally required for most mortgage holders in high-risk areas. Some property owners may find they have been required to carry flood insurance from the new maps that took effect (March 16, 2016). The flood map modernization project has been a joint effort between the cities in Marin, Marin County and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in cooperation with association and private sector partners. The result: a better picture of the areas most likely to be impacted by flooding and a better foundation from which to make key decisions. New digital mapping techniques provide more detailed, reliable and current data on flood hazards. The likelihood of inland, riverine and coastal flooding in certain areas has changed along with these factors. Over time, water flow and drainage patterns change due to surface erosion, land use and natural forces. To ensure that everyone within Sausalito has access to the most accurate and up-to-date information about flood hazards, the new maps are available to the public in a variety of electronic formats as well as on paper.

These maps also allow community planners, local officials, engineers, builders and others to make important determinations about where and how new structures and developments should be built. By showing the extent to which areas of Sausalito - and individual properties - are at risk for flooding, flood maps help business and property owners make better financial decisions about protecting their property. Flood Maps: A Risk Management Mustįlood hazard maps, also known as Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), are important tools in the effort to protect lives and properties. As someone with a stake in Sausalito's future, you should be aware of how the maps are changing and why - and how the changes will affect residents, business owners and professionals like yourself. And owners of many properties will learn that their risk is higher, or lower, than they thought. As a result, property owners throughout Sausalito have up-to-date, reliable, Internet-accessible information about their flood risk on a property-by-property basis. The new maps reflect current flood risks and areas of recent growth, replacing maps that are based on analyses that were conducted up to 30 years ago. Sea Level Rise and FEMA Flood InsuranceĪ multi-year project to re-examine flood zones and develop detailed, digital flood hazard maps for Sausalito and Marin County was completed in 2016."Sausalito After Midnight" Bay Views Magazine, Nov.Sausalito Police Department Annual Report (1983).Sausalito Police Department Historical Newspaper Clippings.Sausalito Police Department Historical Photo Gallery.Sausalito Police 125th Anniversary Badge.Payment Plans Available for Indigent Persons.Community Safety/Disaster Preparedness Committee.A Toast to Sausalito: Beer, Wine, & Spirits Festival.Age Friendly Home Adaptation/Equity Residential Rehabilitation Permit Program.Work That Does Not Require a Building Permit.

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