
Beholder 2 emma orphanage
Beholder 2 emma orphanage

beholder 2 emma orphanage
  1. #Beholder 2 emma orphanage archive#
  2. #Beholder 2 emma orphanage code#

Then go to courier and give him chip and say wright code and. If its the person from "New tommorow" agree to help him. Undermining Foundations (Arrange an explosion in the Ministry)- When you will be in your home someone will knock on your door. Return to home and by using phone call Archives and ask about Magda's granddaughter then return to her, tell Magda what's her name and achiv its yours. Then talk to her about it and she should say she have granddaughter there. Hack Ferguson terminal (she should give you skill book for that) and then write right code (its on paper she also gived you) and choose what this orphans get (remember they need soap). After you do it return to her and she want last thing. (first place gives you only bill and trying open door without wires gives you other bill). Go to the old river (from your house, need 3h) then search second place and find wires, go to third place and youse this wires on door. Search file cabinet next to her (need 8h) then give it to her. After that talk to her and say you will help her ,she wants 3 things. When she will go hack her terminal and search everything.

#Beholder 2 emma orphanage archive#

Sugar Blood (All sugar is in limited supply)- Find some file to archive and tell about Magda Rakovich. They are also other two people "soaked in alcohol" give them a light and then talk to DJ and make toast for Ferguson. When dancer ask for water give vodka, when to persons decide bettwen red pill (reality) and blue pill (illusion) say Illusion. Burning Man (.with blackjack and hookers!)- Its easy, when Ferguson make party in his office dont be partypooper. If you said wright things achivment will be yours like Hazer love to Dong ) Go to your terminal and click on camera icon, here you decide what he should say, its easy as long as you are nice and be gentleman. Next day he say he will say he need another help by teling him what he must say.

beholder 2 emma orphanage

When you give him those items say to drink a little bit so he wont be drunk as hell. You need to give him alcohol (one bottle of Whisky is in plant somewhere) and magazine about talking (Inside Hazer deck). Now you need him help with his talking problems. Next day he say when she saw this flowers she laughted (or smiled). color and flower, then return to him and say "Red Roses".

beholder 2 emma orphanage beholder 2 emma orphanage

Date Doctor (Help Dong to make romance with Hazer) - After you agree to help him first he ask you what kind of flowers he should give her so you go to Hazer and ask about her fav. Good Samaritan (Help Morris) - On your first day you will see Morris falling with papers talk to him and take wright option Lend a Pushing Hand (Spit in Morris) - On your first day you will see Morris falling with papers talk to him and take wright option So to do this on one attempt you need 4h and 10 min Each saute cost's 5min and gives you 1 point of autitory. 50 Shades of Loyalty (Salute the Leader statue 50 times)- Find statue on 1st floor and salute. For easies way look to "Team Building" achiv. Wanted to live when dying (Wanted to die when living)- Just die. If I remember corectly on each flor they are 7 boxes, total there is a 21 boxes. Lootboxing (Find all father's boxes)- Just search everywhere where you can. Take item from your colleague desk or prohibited item to secury gate when they say you must pay or go to jail. The World Fairest Court (Get arrested)- Maybe the easiest. The easiest way is to agree to help Marco Legrand pranking quest then refuse and insult him and then destroy him with words. Team Building (Be killed by a colleague)- Its very easy.

Beholder 2 emma orphanage